Monday, November 21, 2022

Unitarian Interpretations of John 1

Unitarian interpretations of John 1  

There are 4-5 Unitarian interpretations of John 1 with respect to "the Word" and context of verse 1:

  1. The Word is a hypostatization of God's speech (and thoughts): an "it." John 1:1 pertains to the original creation—This is my view / Anthony Buzzard / James DG Dunn
  2. The Word is a hypostatization of God's speech (and thoughts): an "it." John 1:1 pertains to the beginning of the ministry—REV translators
  3. The Word is the personification of Wisdom (Wisdom Christology): a "he." John 1:1 pertains to the original creation—Dale Tuggy / Nathaniel Lardner
  4. The Word is Jesus in a direct sense and John 1:1 pertains to the beginning of the ministry—Andrew Perry / Bill Schlegel / Socinian 
  5. The Word is Jesus in a direct sense and John 1:1 pertains to the new creation (post-resurrection) 

Whatever your view here it doesn't change the core fundamentals of our Unitarian understanding of the doctrine of Christ (Christology) and of God (Theology). So we should acknowledge there are differences among us and agree to disagree when these differences don't play a significant impact on our core Biblical Unitarian doctrine. 

Related Websites: – The true meaning of the Word in the prologue of John - Understanding the various issues pertaining to the Fourth Gospel  – Understanding how Jesus identifies himself in the Gospels – Understanding how Jesus is the model for us – Understanding in what sense Christ preexisted - Understanding a key biblical concept pertaining to Christ – Refuting erroneous conflations used to infer Jesus is ontologically God – Understanding what is the Holy Spirit - The essential humanity of the one mediator Jesus Christ - Distinction between one God, the Father, and one Lord, Jesus Christ - Analysis of Philippians 2: Exaltation not preexistence

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